moveID Interviews moveID participants

“We implement the Institutional Role Model in the decentralized moveID project ” – Prof. Dr. Wolfgang H. Schulz, Zeppelin University

In the moveID interview series, each of the 18 project participants introduces himself and explains why the company he represents has become part of the Gaia-X 4 Future Mobility project family. 

This interview features Prof. Dr. Wolfgang H. Schulz, Chair of Mobility, Trade & Logistics at Zeppelin University.

motivationWhy did you join moveID?To encourage the establishment of a decentrally organized transport infrastructure based on the Gaia-X principles
objectiveWhat are you planning to deliver?The economic framework for the successful implementation of the project
visionWhat is your overall goal?To contribute to maintaining and increasing the competitiveness of the European mobility sector in the digital age
emergenceWhat will moveID facilitate for your organization?moveID creates forward-looking scientific capacity and thus accelerates technological innovation
IdentityWho are you and what is your role in your organization?Univ.-Prof. Dr. Wolfgang H. Schulz,
Chair of Mobility, Trade & Logistics
DriveWhat drives you, personally?Cutting-edge future research

Please contact us if you want to learn more about why Zeppelin University has joined Gaia-X!

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