moveID Interviews moveID participants

“We will act as the orchestration and monetization engine for data and AI” – Bruce Pon, Ocean Protocol

In the moveID interview series, each of the 18 project participants introduces himself and explains why the company he represents has become part of the Gaia-X 4 Future Mobility project family. 

This interview features Bruce Pon, CEO of Ocean Protocol.

motivationWhy did you join moveID?As an emerging go-to network and software for a new Data Economy, providing the technical architecture necessary to enable safer data sharing and monetization across business verticals, including mobility, is one of Ocean’s strategic priorities.
objectiveWhat are you planning to deliver?Ocean will develop the system architecture with regard to the Gaia-X Federation Services and implement the Ocean Marketplace with Move.ID participants for a seamless DataFi experience.
visionWhat is your overall goal?Act as the orchestration and monetization engine for data and AI and enable a transparent Data Economy where the playing field is leveled for all stakeholders.
emergenceWhat will moveID facilitate for your organization?The broader awareness and subsequent adoption of Ocean Protocol as the fundamental solution to safety and security issues in data sharing.
IdentityWho are you and what is your role in your organization?Bruce Pon
DriveWhat drives you, personally?Working to give people the architecture and tools they need to retain complete control over their data and define the ways to monetize it.

If you want to learn more about why Ocean Protocol has joined Gaia-X, please contact us!

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