In the moveID interview series, each of the 18 project participants introduces himself and explains why the company he represents has become part of the Gaia-X 4 Future Mobility project family.
This interview features Bruce Pon, CEO of Ocean Protocol.

motivation | Why did you join moveID? | As an emerging go-to network and software for a new Data Economy, providing the technical architecture necessary to enable safer data sharing and monetization across business verticals, including mobility, is one of Ocean’s strategic priorities. |
objective | What are you planning to deliver? | Ocean will develop the system architecture with regard to the Gaia-X Federation Services and implement the Ocean Marketplace with Move.ID participants for a seamless DataFi experience. |
vision | What is your overall goal? | Act as the orchestration and monetization engine for data and AI and enable a transparent Data Economy where the playing field is leveled for all stakeholders. |
emergence | What will moveID facilitate for your organization? | The broader awareness and subsequent adoption of Ocean Protocol as the fundamental solution to safety and security issues in data sharing. |
Identity | Who are you and what is your role in your organization? | Bruce Pon Founder |
Drive | What drives you, personally? | Working to give people the architecture and tools they need to retain complete control over their data and define the ways to monetize it. |
If you want to learn more about why Ocean Protocol has joined Gaia-X, please contact us!